00:34:20 Jayne: Jayne Hill School counselor - Alhambra ESD 00:34:34 Cassie Goldberg: Cassie- Director of Early Childhood Learning in the Casa Grande ESD 00:34:35 M Cannon: Michelle Cannon, School Counselor, TUSD 00:34:35 Susan Fry: Hi everyone. This is Susan Fry from Read on Arizona. We're so glad you're here! 00:34:35 Katie Walls: My name is Katie Walls, 3rd grade teacher at Dos Rios Elementary 00:34:49 Ashley Salamacha: Hello. Ashley Salamacha -Principal at Hurley Ranch in the Union District 00:34:51 Lindsay Kent: Lindsay Kent- TOSA - Littleton Elementary School District 00:34:51 Cynthia Mendoza: Cynthia Mendoza, Student Well-Being Coordinator at Union ESD :) 00:35:05 Mikki Rouse: Hi, I am Mikki Rouse from Casa Grande Elementary School District. I am a School Implementation Specialist. 00:35:15 Maribel Barroso: Maribel Barroso- Littleton Elementary School District - Parent Liaison 00:35:24 Saralee Burkett: Hello, Saralee Burkett and absence team from Lincoln Elementary in Nogales ,Arizona 00:35:45 Susan Fry: https://app.box.com/s/xf1bynxl7kw9itjwyuxbt5x9cpq0tkqf 00:36:06 Magali: Magali De Jesus- Kenilworth Elementary- Family and Community Engagement Specialist 00:36:17 Cathy W.: Here is the link to the main Box folder https://app.box.com/s/xf1bynxl7kw9itjwyuxbt5x9cpq0tkqf 00:36:53 erika.mendoza: Erika Mendoza- Family and Community Engagement Manager at Garfield Elementary in PESD #1. 00:36:53 MBlaum: Melanie Blaum Dos Rios Elementary Assistant Principal 00:37:36 Melvin Mitchell: Melvin Mitchell, Assistant Principal Alhambra ESD 00:37:57 Annette Guevara: Annette Guevara- Whittier Elementary, PHX #1, Family and Community Engagement Specialist 00:38:26 Melvin Mitchell: NBA-Never Been Absent incentive programs 00:38:51 M Cannon: Talking with families directly—relationship building and barrier identification 00:38:54 MBlaum: Calling parents. Making them aware of number of absences or how we can help support them. 00:38:56 Cynthia Mendoza: Ask students during meet the teacher night: What motivates you to come to school? 00:39:10 Jayne: Having lunch with a student when they meet their attendance goal! 00:39:54 Ashley Salamacha: Communicating importance of being at school through school newslwetter. and increasing positive relationships with staff and students 00:40:10 Lindsay Kent: Personalized notecards mailed home to students acknowledging their attendance and encouraging them to continue showing up. This helps students to see that they matter and we recognize when they are present/absent. We also had attendance shirts made to recognize good attendance. 00:40:12 Stephanie Benavides: Lincoln Team is all in one room watching on one screen. We do week long Attendance Blitz every quarter, Call home, have parties for perfect attendance students, post their photo on the attendance wall if they come for the whole blitz week 00:40:27 Susan Fry: Reacted to "Lincoln Team is all ..." with ❤️ 00:40:29 Adriana.Ramirez: Adriana Ramirez -Family and Community Engagement Herrera Elementary in PESD #1. 00:40:36 Cynthia Mendoza: Reacted to "Lincoln Team is all ..." with ❤️ 00:40:36 Susan Fry: Reacted to "Personalized notecar..." with 👍 00:40:39 Stephanie Benavides: Good idea!! 00:40:41 Susan Fry: Reacted to "Communicating import..." with 👍 00:40:50 Susan Fry: Reacted to "Talking with familie..." with 👍 00:40:54 Susan Fry: Reacted to "NBA-Never Been Absen..." with 👍 00:40:59 Susan Fry: Reacted to "Calling parents. Ma..." with 👍 00:41:02 Susan Fry: Reacted to "Ask students during ..." with 👍 00:41:11 Susan Fry: Reacted to "Having lunch with a ..." with 👍 00:41:14 Lisa Bradshaw: Lisa Bradshaw- Director of Innovation & Strategy- Sending postcards to students when they are absent; celebrating "great" attendance, not just perfect attendance; Including our goals in conversations with parents including Meet the Teacher and Open house 00:41:29 Susan Fry: Reacted to "Lisa Bradshaw- Direc..." with 👍 00:44:03 erika.mendoza: 10% 01:01:23 Cathy W.: Chronic Absence Rates: group worksheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iztEz5dFTpbgWM2Lkf09LArchbILDGJ1vWriHLJ2QXY/edit?usp=sharing 01:06:21 Lori Masseur: You can find 2023 rates here: https://azreportcards.azed.gov/ 01:08:32 Jayne: Reacted to "You can find 2023 ra…" with ❤️ 01:12:50 Cathy W.: INDIVIDUAL PADLET Links (by AZ district / school) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1txxmQbw9be6TCEaCHEyoqBjRsA_Ji5De5ixVMFFSYDM/edit?usp=sharing 01:38:22 Lisa Bradshaw: We weren't able to fill in the padlet- we didn't have rights to add a post 01:38:22 Cecelia Leong: FULL PADLET BOARD https://padlet.com/attendanceworks/conditions-for-learning-1-how-can-you-enhance-belonging-conn-mt9rpbvesj93ygv3 01:39:21 Cecelia Leong: Replying to "We weren't able to f..." What would you like to add? You can share in Chat if you'd like 01:39:22 MBlaum: I don't see the link here in the chat 01:39:30 Terry Pelaez: Could you resend the padlet link? 01:39:32 Cecelia Leong: FULL PADLET BOARD https://padlet.com/attendanceworks/conditions-for-learning-1-how-can-you-enhance-belonging-conn-mt9rpbvesj93ygv3 01:39:38 MBlaum: see it now 01:39:52 Terry Pelaez: Yes 01:41:18 Lori Masseur: BRB 01:49:53 eegan: anxiety 01:49:54 MBlaum: They don't feel well, parent not feeling well, don't have a car. 01:49:58 Terry Pelaez: Illness 01:50:07 MBlaum: bike has a flat tire 01:50:07 l.comparan: generational 01:50:08 CC White: Increases after COVID - school is seen as not as necessary 01:50:09 eegan: lack of friend group. 01:50:10 Alex McCane: Anxiety 01:50:16 dulce.aguilar: chronic illness 01:50:17 Lisa Bradshaw: vacation 01:50:21 eegan: concussions 01:50:22 Terry Pelaez: Someone in the family has an appointment 01:50:27 Erika Mendoza : Illness, transportation, anxiety, bullying 01:50:30 eegan: depression 01:50:34 Annette Guevara: Reacted to "Increases after COVI..." with 👍 01:50:38 Lisa Bradshaw: want to spend time with their child 01:50:39 Katie Walls: Multiple students in the home needing to go to different campuses. 01:50:39 Melvin Mitchell: Displacement 01:50:47 eegan: gender identity 01:51:14 Maribel Barroso: no money for uniforms 01:51:16 l.comparan: some, plan their vacation during school time 01:58:58 Cathy W: Evaluation survey for today's session https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/AZ-fall-2024 02:06:01 dulce.aguilar: Thank you! Very helpful information!