Below is a list of key research related to attendance for Transportation
For the full list of research and reports, please visit the All Research page.
Danger on the Way to School: Exposure to Violent Crime, Public Transportation, and Absenteeism
Burdick-Will, Julia, Marc L. Stein,, Sociological Science, February 2019. Researchers from John Hopkins University tested a new mechanism for the effect of neighborhood on school outcomes: absenteeism that results from a dangerous commute to school. The study found that students whose estimated routes required walking to and waiting at transit stops along streets with higher violent crime rates have…
Assessing the Impacts of Student Transportation on Public Transit
Fan, Y. and K. Das. University of Minnesota, Metro Transit, Minneapolis Public Schools, Dec. 2015. Researchers analyzed a program that provided transit passes to high school students living more than 2 miles from school and all students eligible for free or reduced price meals. The analysis found that pass users had 23 percent lower absenteeism, and participated in more learning…
Race Matters in Early School Attendance
Race Matters Institute, January 2013. This report examines the effect of chronic absence on the early grades particularly for children of color who face “racialized” barriers to attendance. Barriers explored include health problems caused by environmental toxins, ineffective school outreach to parents, logistical difficulties, residential instability, and early school suspension and expulsion. The report calls for better data on absenteeism…