A Continuum of Solutions

Attendance Works is offering a three-part training series for educators to learn proven, evidence-based tiered strategies to engage students and promote attendance. All three sessions are eligible for Title 1 and Title 2 funds. Space is limited. Learn more and register.

We have developed virtual options that provide our same high-quality technical assistance. For more information email Cecelia Leong, Vice President of Programs, cecelia@attendanceworks.org.

Chronic absence affected nearly 15 million students in the US in the 2021-22 school year. And missing just two days each month over the course of a school year can lead to serious disparities in student outcomes.

Attendance Works provides an opportunity to solve this critical issue. It is the only nonprofit organization to offer an array of effective, free resources as well as affordable and proprietary consultation, technical assistance and coaching services to states, districts and schools across the country that are seeking ways to reduce chronic absence.




Why improve rates of attendance? It’s simple:
The coaching, technical assistance, and policy leadership of Attendance Works has decreased chronic absences in Arkansas schools, influenced local and statewide policy change, and leveraged state resources to ensure aspiring Arkansas readers are prepared to read on grade-level by the end of third grade."
— Dr. Sherece Y. West-Scantlebury, President and CEO, The Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation

Longer-term outcomes of improved academic performance for:

  • Students: Options for a bright future: ready for employment, college and career
  • Schools: Fulfill their mission to provide equal access to a quality education
  • States: Educated workforce that is competitive in a global economy
  • Communities: Young adults ready to participate in civic life​ and local employment
Click on the buttons below to see how to reduce chronic absence in your state, community or school.