Attendance Videos
This video page is a compilation of our own attendance videos and videos we have received from around the country. If you have a video you would like to share, please send it to us by filling out this form or e-mailing Cecelia Leong at
Featured Videos
Bringing Attendance Home
In Bringing Attendance Home, a video from Attendance Works, a variety of parents speak about the importance of school attendance and making sure absences don’t add up. This video offers practical, every day steps parents can take to help their children attend school and highlights ways schools and communities can help reduce barriers to attendance.
Share Bringing Attendance Home, a video from Attendance Works, with a larger group by streaming it on your own device. Find the video on Vimeo in English and in Spanish.
Find the Bringing Attendance Home discussion guide to help facilitate a conversation with families about the importance of attendance and how to partner with schools to improve students’ attendance."
Please note: This video presents national chronic absence numbers from 2014. For example, the number of students chronically absent is no longer one out of 10 students. In 2017-18 school year, 8 million, or one out of six students, were chronically absent. Given challenges created by the pandemic, chronic absence now affects even more children. You can mention this when you show the video.
Attendance: A Community Imperative
Attendance Works has created this video to explain the problem of chronic absence—its prevalence across the country and its impact on student achievement at every grade level. We also offer solutions that can engage the school and the community in building a culture of good attendance. And we give examples of how communities and school districts are addressing the barriers that keep students from getting to school.
Attendance Works Animated Infographic
Check out this short video animation that explains why attendance matters in the early grades. The video is an animation of our Attendance Works infographic.
Attendance Campaign Hybrid Teaching
United Way of Greater Kansas City worked with SchoolSmartKC & Turn the Page KC to create this video to support hybrid teaching.
Attendance Campaign Virtual Teaching
United Way of Greater Kansas City worked with SchoolSmartKC & Turn the Page KC to create this video to support virtual teaching. The video is a great tier 1 support!
Linking Health & Attendance
Learn how health barriers to learning can affect attendance and ways to intervene. This video is presented by the Healthy and Ready to Learn initiative at Children’s Health Fund and Attendance Works.
Best Practices for Attendance Teams
Creating an attendance team is a great first step to decreasing chronic absenteeism in schools. This video is presented by the Healthy and Ready to Learn initiative at Children’s Health Fund and Attendance Works.
Magic Johnson video
Jose Reyes video (in Spanish)
Videos from Around the Country
Reversing Chronic Absenteeism in Grand Rapids, Michigan
The story of how one Michigan school district is reversing chronic absenteeism with a highly effective communications-based community engagement approach. Listen as principals, parents, teachers, students, and community members share how they are reversing chronic absenteeism.
Attendance Matters. Graduation Matters. Montana
Fall 2015 PSA radio spot. Recorded and produced by the Montana Office of Public Instruction.
Mission: Graduate | “Every Day Matters,” New Mexico
This campaign, which includes :30 spots in both English and Spanish targeting elementary, middle school and high school students and their parents, was designed to emphasize that every day something positive happens in school. They were produced in cooperation with the United Way of Central New Mexico and Mission Graduate. To View the other five PSA’s in the Mission Graduate: “Every Day Matters” loop, click here.
I’m an Oakland School Kid, Oakland, CA
The Oakland Unified School District released this music video, “I’m an Oakland School Kid,” to encourage their peers to come to school on time and ready to learn. The video features Marshawn Lynch, former OUSD student and current NFL player for the Seattle Seahawks.
Attend Today. Achieve Tomorrow., Frederick County, MD
Frederick County Public Schools released this video on the importance of attendance to recognize September as Attendance Awareness Month.
CEO Eric Gordon’s “At10Dance” : Ode to Hitch
During Attendance Awareness Month in 2015, Cleveland challenged people from across the country to show their “At10Dance” moves to raise awareness about the importance of school attendance. Here are some of the videos that were shared using the hashtag #At10Dance.