
Below is a list of key research related to State & Local Chronic Absence Reports

Family League 2011-12 Out of School Time Programs in Baltimore City

Olson, Linda S., Faith Connolly and Alok H. Kommajesula. Baltimore Education Research Consortium, Baltimore, MD, October 2013. This report examines the relationship between out-of-school time programs and school absence. Through the Family League’s education initiative, thousands of children in Baltimore have access to quality after school and summer learning opportunities. Among students who regularly attended OST programs, they had higher…
Published:   October 2013

The Attendance Imperative: How States Can Advance Achievement by Reducing Chronic Absence

Attendance Works. Released in September 2013 and updated in September 2014, this brief describes the steps that states can take to reduce chronic absence including: building public awareness, tracking and publicly reporting chronic absence rates for schools and districts, using attendance as a metric in school improvement efforts, sharing best practices with educators and parents, and enabling interagency efforts among…
Published:   September 2013

From Absent to Present: Reducing Teen Chronic Absenteeism in New York City

Youth Justice Board, Center for Court Innovation, June 2013. Why do 40 percent of New York City high school students miss a month of school each year? The Center for Court Innovation went directly to the source and asked 17 high school students serving on its Youth Justice Board to research the issue. After a year of research that included…
Published:   June 2013

Just the Right Mix: Identifying Potential Dropouts in Montgomery County Public Schools Using an Early Warning Indicators Approach

West, Thomas C. Office of Shared Accountability, Montgomery County Public Schools, MD, March 2013. Each school year, roughly a thousand students drop out of Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS). However, unlike other large, urban school districts where students who drop out skip school and are suspended often (Balfanz & Byrnes, 2010), students who drop out of MCPS are present in…
Published:   March 2013

Time for Learning: States and Districts. An Exploratory Analysis of NAEP Data

Ginsburg, Alan. Prepared for the National Assessment Governing Board, February 2013. This report is part of an ongoing project to use the data generated by the National Assessment of Educational Progress (dubbed the “Nation’s Report Card”) to provide more context for student performance. Mr. Ginsburg’s analysis adds to growing evidence that student absenteeism can hamstring a district’s performance on the…
Published:   February 2013

Chronic Absence in Utah Public Schools

Utah Education Policy Center at the University of Utah. In 2012, the researchers released a brief to highlight their important findings on chronic absence and its effects in Utah. The study of five years of attendance data emphasizes the need for early identification of students who are chronically absent, and identified chronic absenteeism as a key predictor of dropouts as…
Published:   July 2012

Truancy and Chronic Absence in Redwood City

Sanchez, Monika. John W. Gardner Center for Youth and Their Communities. Palo Alto, Calif. April 2012.A study of chronic absenteeism in the Redwood City School District found the highest rates in kindergarten and 12th grade. The study also found that the largest, statistically significant factor in whether a student was chronically absent was their chronic absence status in the prior…
Published:   April 2012

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