
Below is a list of key research related to State & Local Chronic Absence Reports

Chronic Absenteeism in Tennessee’s Early Grades

Tennessee Department of Education. This report documents that 10% of students in grades K-3 are chronically absent. It shows that chronically absent students are less likely to read by the end of the third grade than demographically similar peers, and shows that chronic absence is concentrated among economically disadvantaged schools and a sub-set of schools.
Published:   February 2016

When Students Miss School: The High Cost to Houston

Finck, Julie Baker. Barbara Bush Houston Literacy Foundation, September 14, 2015. This report provides a detailed look at chronic absence in the Houston Independent School District for the 2014-2015 school year, when about 9.3 percent of students missed 10 percent or more of the school year. The report explores the impact poor attendance has on student achievement, classroom instruction and…
Published:   September 2015

In School and On Track 2015: Attorney General’s 2015 report on California’s elementary school truancy and absenteeism crisis

Office of Attorney General, California Department of Justice, September 2015. In the 2015 report, we release new and updated data on the still alarming rates of elementary school truancy and chronic absence across the state. More than 1 in 5 elementary school students in California are truant based on data from the California Department of Education. Furthermore, we estimate that…
Published:   September 2015

Showing Up Matters: The State of Chronic Absenteeism in New Jersey

Zalkind, Cecelia, Mary Coogan and Robert Sterling. Advocates for Children of New Jersey, August 2015. An analysis of data collected by the New Jersey Department of Education documents that more than 125,000 students from kindergarten through 12th grade missed 10 percent or more of the 2013-14 school year. The report provide breakdowns for each county, as well as looking at…
Published:   August 2015

Attendance Matters: White Paper on Chronic Absenteeism in San Antonio Schools

P16Plus Council of Greater Bexar County. This study revealed both the scope of chronic absence and the impact of interventions involving more than 5,000 students, finding that 12.8 percent of the students were chronically absent. Nearly a quarter of 12th graders missed that much school, with girls missing more school than boys in their final year. As much as 24…
Published:   August 2015

Chronic Absenteeism Among Kindergarten Students

Rhode Island Data HUB. This report followed a cohort of students through several years and found that those who were chronically absent in kindergarten were 20% less likely to score proficient or higher in reading, 25% less likely to score proficient or higher in math, twice as likely to be retained in grade, twice as likely to be suspended by…
Published:   July 2015

High School Absenteeism and College Persistence

Rhode Island Data HUB. This study followed the high school graduating class of 2009 from their freshman year of high school through college. Researchers found that 20% of the students who graduated were chronically absent, and about 34% of the chronically absent graduates went on to college or a post-secondary setting. Only 11% of the chronically absent students went on…
Published:   July 2015

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