
Below is a list of key research related to State & Local Chronic Absence Reports

Empty Seats: Mississippi School Attendance Officers’ Perspectives on Chronic Absence

Mississippi KIDS Count. Mississippi KIDS COUNT partnered with the Mississippi Department of Education to track chronic absenteeism across the state.Screen During the 2014/15 school year, the statewide chronic absence rate dropped to 13 percent, down from 15 percent during the 2013/14 school year. A web-based survey of school attendance officers in the state collected critical information about why children miss…
Published:   April 2017

Chronic Absenteeism in Virginia and the Challenged School Divisions: A Descriptive Analysis of Patterns and Correlates

University of Virginia, Luke Miller, and Amanda Johnson. The report finds that one of every 10 students in Virginia was chronically absent in the 2014-15 school year, with higher rates in Norfolk (1 out of every 7 students), in Richmond and Petersburg (1 out of every 5 students). The analysis shows that chronic absenteeism rates are particularly high among high-schoolers,…
Published:   September 2016

Showing Up Matters: The State of Chronic Absenteeism in New Jersey, 2nd Annual Report

Zalkind, Cecelia, Mary Coogan and Robert Sterling. This second analysis of data collected by the New Jersey Department of Education finds that roughly 136,000, or more than one in 10 New Jersey students from kindergarten through 12th grade were chronically absent during the 2014-15 school year. The report breaks down rates by district and county, and looks at rates of…
Published:   September 2016

Chronic Absenteeism Report

Chief Education Office of Oregon. This report combines analyses of chronic absence data with data drawn from 44 focus group interviews with parents and students to present a comprehensive examination of attendance barriers in the state. The report shows that 20% of all students were chronically absent in 2013-14. Both Native American students and students with disabilities were identified as…
Published:   May 2016

School Attendance Patterns in Iowa: Chronic Absence in the Early Grades

Child and Family Policy Center. This report is an analysis of absenteeism in Iowa of early-elementary students from the 2010-11 school year through third grade in 2013-14. The analysis finds that one-third of all districts and nearly 40 percent of elementary schools have rates of chronic absence among kindergartners in excess of 10 percent. The report used data on over…
Published:   April 2016

Chronic Absenteeism in Tennessee’s Early Grades

Tennessee Department of Education. This report documents that 10% of students in grades K-3 are chronically absent. It shows that chronically absent students are less likely to read by the end of the third grade than demographically similar peers, and shows that chronic absence is concentrated among economically disadvantaged schools and a sub-set of schools.
Published:   February 2016

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