Below is a list of key research related to State & Local Chronic Absence Reports
An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Home Visits for Re-Engaging Students Who Were Chronically Absent in the Era of Covid-19
Center for Connecticut Education Research Collaboration. December 2022. Connecticut State Department of Education and Gov. Lamont used pandemic relief funds to launch the Learner Engagement and Attendance Program that implemented home visits. Student attendance rates improved significantly in the month following the visit and continued to rise in the following months.
Missing Too Much School: Trends in K-8 Chronic Absenteeism in Arizona During the Pandemic
During the 2014-15 school year, 12 percent of New Jersey’s children missed too much school. Economically disadvantaged students and students in special education were more likely to be chronically absent, with a rate of 17 and 18 percent, respectively. Among racial groups, black and Hispanic children had absenteeism rates higher than the state average.
Attendance Counts: How Schools and Local Communities are Reducing Chronic Absence in North Carolina
North Carolina Early Childhood Foundation. September 2019. This report outlines results from a survey of 1,500 NC parents, preschool staff and elementary school staff who shared their impressions of current school-level attendance policies and practices. In addition to analyzing the survey data, the report considers what can be done by schools and in communities to reduce chronic absence in preschool…
Missing School, Missing A Home: The Link Between Chronic Absenteeism, Economic Instability and Homelessness in Michigan
Erb-Downward, Jennifer, and Payton Watt, Poverty Solutions, University of Michigan, November 2018. Data shows that homeless students have the highest rates of chronic absence in Michigan. Homelessness occurs in all community types throughout the state. This brief explores chronic absenteeism and makes policy recommendations especially including a greater focus on the educational impact of housing instability in Michigan.
Reducing Chronic Absenteeism for Children in Foster Care and FINS
Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, Arkansas Campaign for Grade-Level Reading, September 2017. Researchers found that little data is collected and shared between state agencies, schools, social workers and courts making it difficult to know the extent of the problem. The report explores the issue, discusses school and district bright spots, and offers recommendations to help the state reduce chronic…
How Does Early Childhood Suspension Relate to Achievement in Reading and Math?
Bond, Kelsea and Kanti Chalasani. The Georgia Governor’s Office of Student Achievement, September 2018. Using data from Georgia’s longitudinal education data system, this report examines the relationship between out-of-school suspensions during K-3 and success in reading/English Language Arts (ELA) and math from 3rd grade through high school. The report also examines patterns in the incident types which led to K-3…
Seize the Data Opportunity in California: Using Chronic Absence to Improve Educational Outcomes
Attendance Works, the Center for Regional Change, University of California Davis, and Children Now, May 2018. This report a call to action urging anyone interested in improving educational outcomes to use chronic absence data recently released by the California Department of Education to identify which schools and groups of students most need support, so they have an equal opportunity to…