Handouts for Families

Parents Can Build the Habit of Good Attendance

Parents want their children to do well in school but many don’t fully understand the connection between chronic absence and a student’s academic achievement. Hand out these flyers to help build the habit of attendance!

Health-related absences can often be avoided. Go to our Health Handouts page to download flyers on Anxiety and When to Send a Student to School with a minor illness, or after being sick.

We are regularly updating these handouts to respond to changes and we are open to feedback. Please look at the date on the handout so you know you have the most up-to-date version. Make sure to communicate clearly with your families about health policies, including any related to Covid-19. Check out our blog post to learn more.

Download many of these handouts translated into Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog and Vietnamese.

Handouts for Families Updated for In-Person Instruction

Preschool, Kindergarten
Get Ready for School

Download with handouts in Creole, Chinese, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese.

Preschool and Kindergarten

Download handouts in Creole, Chinese, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese.

Elementary Handout

Download handouts in Creole, Chinese, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese.

Middle and Secondary Handout

Download handouts in Chinese, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese.

Handouts for Families Updated for Remote Instruction

We've left space to add your district or school logo on the upper left hand side. See our Customizing Guidelines.

Middle and High School Handout


Download our infographic spelling out the facts about chronic absence in the early grades.

How Sick is Too Sick?
Customizing Handouts

Attendance Works handouts are free to download and reprint. If you want to repurpose the same content in another format, please credit Attendance Works with our logo or a line reading “used with permission of Attendance Works.” If you want to change the wording, please contact Cecelia Leong at cecelia@attendanceworks.org.

If you’d like to add your logo see our Customizing Guidelines