
Below is a list of seminal research related to attendance

For the full list of research and reports, please visit the All Research page.

What Matters for Staying On-track and Graduating in Chicago Public High Schools: A Close Look at Course Grades, Failures, and Attendance in the Freshman Year

Allensworth, Elaine and John Easton. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago, Consortium on Chicago School Research, July 2007. In this study of the freshman year of high school, researchers found that attendance in this pivotal transition year was a key indicator of whether students would finish high school. A high rate of absenteeism, described as missing 10 percent or more of…

Preventing Student Disengagement and Keeping Students on the Graduation Path in Urban Middle-Grades Schools

Balfanz, Robert, Lisa Herzog, and Douglas J. MacIver. Educational Psychologist, 42(4), 223–235 Copyright 2007, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. This article considers the practical, conceptual, and empirical foundations of an early identification and intervention system for middle-grades schools to combat student disengagement and increase graduation rates in our nation’s cities. It offers data revealing how four predictive indicators reflecting poor attendance,…

Present and Accounted for: Improving Student Attendance Through Family and Community Involvement

Epstein, J.L. and S.B. Sheldon. Journal of Educational Research, 95, 308-318, May/June 2002. This study discusses the results of an analysis of longitudinal data collected on schools’ rates of daily student attendance and chronic absenteeism and on specific partnership practices that were implemented to help increase or sustain student attendance. Results indicate that several family–school–community partnership practices predict an increase…
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