
Below is a list of research related to attendance

Attendance Works - Quote - Joshua Childs
Your work and passion for student attendance was what got me interested in studying it and wanting to focus my academic work on chronic absenteeism. Your 2011 article inspired me to get involved in chronic absenteeism research, and most importantly, encouraged me to focus on solutions to addressing the ‘problem hidden in plain sight.’ Thank you so much for the work you do with your team at Attendance Works."
— Joshua Childs, Assistant Professor, College of Education, University of Texas at Austin
The reports on this page are listed alphabetically and examine the issue of chronic absence nationwide and in selected communities. Use the search box to find research using the author name. See the early education, elementary, secondary and other research categories on the right. To submit new research, please contact us.

Reducing Chronic Absenteeism for Children in Foster Care and FINS

Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, Arkansas Campaign for Grade-Level Reading, September 2017. Researchers found that little data is collected and shared between state agencies, schools, social workers and courts making it difficult to know the extent of the problem. The report explores the issue, discusses school and district bright spots, and offers recommendations to help the state reduce chronic…
Published:   September 2018

How Does Early Childhood Suspension Relate to Achievement in Reading and Math?

Bond, Kelsea and Kanti Chalasani. The Georgia Governor’s Office of Student Achievement, September 2018. Using data from Georgia’s longitudinal education data system, this report examines the relationship between out-of-school suspensions during K-3 and success in reading/English Language Arts (ELA) and math from 3rd grade through high school. The report also examines patterns in the incident types which led to K-3…
Published:   September 2018

Data Matters: Using Chronic Absence to Accelerate Action for Student Success

Data Matters Using Chronic Absence to Accelerate Action for Student Success, by Hedy N. Chang, Lauren Bauer and Vaughan Byrnes, September 2018. This report provides a national and state analysis of how many schools face high levels of chronic absence and discusses the implications for state and local action. Based on data released by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office…
Published:   September 2018

Seize the Data Opportunity in California: Using Chronic Absence to Improve Educational Outcomes

Attendance Works, the Center for Regional Change, University of California Davis, and Children Now, May 2018. This report a call to action urging anyone interested in improving educational outcomes to use chronic absence data recently released by the California Department of Education to identify which schools and groups of students most need support, so they have an equal opportunity to…
Published:   May 2018

Restorative Practices in Schools

Passarella, Al. John Hopkins School of Education, May 2017. This research, prepared for the Open Society Institute-Baltimore, examines the current research and looks at restorative practices as a whole-school model. While the research finds that there is some good evidence to suggest that the practice is potentially effective, the empirical research base supporting restorative practices in schools still emerging.
Published:   April 2018
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