
Below is a list of research related to attendance

Attendance Works - Quote - Joshua Childs
Your work and passion for student attendance was what got me interested in studying it and wanting to focus my academic work on chronic absenteeism. Your 2011 article inspired me to get involved in chronic absenteeism research, and most importantly, encouraged me to focus on solutions to addressing the ‘problem hidden in plain sight.’ Thank you so much for the work you do with your team at Attendance Works."
— Joshua Childs, Assistant Professor, College of Education, University of Texas at Austin
The reports on this page are listed alphabetically and examine the issue of chronic absence nationwide and in selected communities. Use the search box to find research using the author name. See the early education, elementary, secondary and other research categories on the right. To submit new research, please contact us.

The Thin Blue Line in Schools: New Evidence on School-Based Policing Across the U.S.

Lucy C. Sorensen, et al., Annenberg Institute, Brown University. In this working paper, researchers use national school-level data to estimate the impacts of sworn law enforcement officer (SRO) presence in public schools. The study finds that SROs increase chronic absenteeism, particularly for students with disabilities, and intensify the use of suspensions, expulsions, police referrals, and arrests of students. These latter effects…
Published:   October 2021

Chronic Absence Patterns and Prediction During Covid-19: Insights from Connecticut

Chronic Absence Patterns and Prediction During Covid-19: Insights from Connecticut, by Attendance Works and the Connecticut State Department of Education, analyzes how patterns of chronic absence in the state differ across learning modes, grades and student groups. It offers insights from the analysis that can be used for Covid-19 educational recovery efforts and attendance initiatives, and recommendations that other states…
Published:   June 2021

The Arts Advantage: Impacts of Arts Education on Boston students

Bowen, Daniel H., and Kisida, B., EdVestors. This scholarly investigation finds that access to arts education in Boston Public Schools has consistent positive effects on student attendance with effects notably stronger for students who have a history of chronic absenteeism. The study found that arts education increases student and parent school engagement, and has modest effects on student achievement, particularly…
Published:   May 2021

Using Behavioral Insights to Improve School Administrative Communications: The Case of Truancy Notifications

Lasky-Fink, Jessica, Carly D. Robinson, Hedy Nai-Lin Chang and Todd Rodgers. Harvard Kennedy School, March 2018. Truancy notifications often use long passages of punitive legal jargon that are confusing and threatening to families. By randomly assigning parents to receive a modified truancy notification with simplified language and constructive information, the researchers saw a reduction in absenteeism.
Published:   March 2021
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