
Below is a list of research related to attendance

Attendance Works - Quote - Joshua Childs
Your work and passion for student attendance was what got me interested in studying it and wanting to focus my academic work on chronic absenteeism. Your 2011 article inspired me to get involved in chronic absenteeism research, and most importantly, encouraged me to focus on solutions to addressing the ‘problem hidden in plain sight.’ Thank you so much for the work you do with your team at Attendance Works."
— Joshua Childs, Assistant Professor, College of Education, University of Texas at Austin
The reports on this page are listed alphabetically and examine the issue of chronic absence nationwide and in selected communities. Use the search box to find research using the author name. See the early education, elementary, secondary and other research categories on the right. To submit new research, please contact us.

The Effects of Early Chronic Absenteeism on Third-Grade Academic Achievement Measures

Coelho, Richard, et al. La Follette School of Public Affairs, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Spring 2015. This project evaluates the effects of early grade absenteeism on later student academic performance in Wisconsin. Using data from all students in public schools in Wisconsin, it examines the impact of first-grade absences on student achievement on a third-grade standardized test. The resulting study of…
Published:   April 2015

The Effects of Maternal Depression on Child Outcomes during the First Years of Formal Schooling

Claessens, Amy, Mimi Engel, F. Chris Curran. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 3rd quarter, 2015. Using a nationally representative sample of nearly 17,000 children, researchers examine the association between the timing, persistence, and severity of maternal depression, measured in kindergarten and third grade, and children’s school behaviors, academic achievement, and school absences in third and fifth grades. Results indicate that persistent…
Published:   September 2014

The effects of Tulsa’s CAP Head Start program on middle-school academic outcomes and progress

Phillips, Deborah, William Gormley, and Sara Anderson, August 2016. This study presents evidence pertinent to current debates about the lasting impacts of early childhood educational interventions and, specifically, Head Start. A group of students who were first studied to examine the immediate impacts of the Tulsa, Oklahoma, Community Action Project (CAP) Head Start program were followed-up in middle school, primarily…
Published:   August 2016

The Importance of Being in School: A Report on Absenteeism in the Nation’s Public Schools

Balfanz, Robert and Vaughn Byrnes. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Center for Social Organization of Schools. May 2012. Researchers evaluated chronic absence data from six states—Georgia, Florida, Maryland, Nebraska, Oregon and Rhode Island—to assess trends and predict the size of the nation’s attendance challenge. A national rate of 10 percent chronic absenteeism seems conservative and it could be as high as…
Published:   May 2012

The relationship between relative weight and school attendance

Geier, Andrew B. Obesity, Vol. 15 No. 8. August, 2007. This study examined the association between relative weight and absenteeism in 1,069 fourth to sixth graders from nine public schools in an urban area. The researchers found that obese children were absent significantly more than the normal weight children. Several possible reasons for lower attendance are social difficulties and behavior…
Published:   August 2007

The Relationship Between School-Based Health Centers, Rates of Early Dismissal From School, and Loss of Seat Time

Van Cura, Maureen. Journal of School Health, Vol. 80, No.8, August 2010.This researcher studied two high schools in New York – one with a school-based health center and one without. Controlling for race, gender, age, poverty, and presence of a pre-existing illness, this study shows that school-based health centers have a direct impact on educational outcomes such as attendance.
Published:   August 2010
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