
Below is a list of research related to attendance

Attendance Works - Quote - Joshua Childs
Your work and passion for student attendance was what got me interested in studying it and wanting to focus my academic work on chronic absenteeism. Your 2011 article inspired me to get involved in chronic absenteeism research, and most importantly, encouraged me to focus on solutions to addressing the ‘problem hidden in plain sight.’ Thank you so much for the work you do with your team at Attendance Works."
— Joshua Childs, Assistant Professor, College of Education, University of Texas at Austin
The reports on this page are listed alphabetically and examine the issue of chronic absence nationwide and in selected communities. Use the search box to find research using the author name. See the early education, elementary, secondary and other research categories on the right. To submit new research, please contact us.

Absent from School: Understanding and Addressing Student Absenteeism

Gottfried, Michael A. and Ethan L. Hutt, Harvard Education Press, February 2019. A collection of chapters written by researchers from across the country, the book focuses on measuring attendance, policies and programs that can improve attendance, and interventions designed to encourage students to be in school every day.
Published:   February 2019

Absent Peers, Present Challenges: The Differential Impact of In-Person and Virtual Classmate Absences on Future Attendance

Kirksey JJ, Gottfried MA, Ansari A, Lansford T. Texas Tech University; College of Education. This working paper examines role classmate interactions play within larger chronic absence trends. Examining 2020-22 data in four Texas districts, researchers found that in-person classmate absences were influential in shaping the absences of individual students, with effects lasting 3 subsequent days, regardless of the student’s achievement…
Published:   March 2024

Absenteeism and GPA: Exploring the top indicators of career and college readiness

Allensworth, Elaine. Attendance Institute and the University of Chicago Consortium on Chicago School Research (CCSR), November 18, 2014. Elaine Allensworth, PhD, and the Lewis-Sebring Director of CCSR shares highlights from three important reports: 1. Absenteeism from Preschool to High School, 2. Looking Forward to High School and College: Middle Grade Indicators of Readiness in Chicago Public Schools, and 3. Free…
Published:   November 2014

Absenteeism in D.C. Public Schools Early Education Program

Dubay, Lisa and Nikhil Holla. Urban Institute, January 26, 2015. Enrollment in early childhood education programs can be an important stepping stone to higher educational achievement, particularly for low-income children. This report examines the extent of absenteeism in the District of Columbia Public Schools’ school-based Head Start program in the 2013–2014 school year. Absence rates and the share of students…
Published:   January 2015

Absenteeism in Head Start and Children’s Academic Learning

Arya Ansari, Kelly M. Purtell. Child Development. This study examined the implications of 3- and 4-year-old’s absences from Head Start for their early academic learning. Researchers found that children who missed more days of school, and especially those who were chronically absent, demonstrated fewer gains in areas of math and literacy during the preschool year.
Published:   May 2017

Academic achievement of African American boys: A city-wide, community-based investigation of risk and resilience

Fantuzzo, John. Journal of School Psychology, Volume 50, Issue 5, October 2012, pages 559–579. This study of about 8,900 Philadelphia children went beyond a simple measure of poverty to explore six risk factors that influence the achievement gap between African American and White boys and demonstrated that students facing more risk factors suffer academically. The study also showed that African…
Published:   October 2012

Achievement and Absenteeism

Jensen, Nate and Gregory King. Center for School and Student Progress. NWEA. A study of elementary students in one district indicates that the effect of chronic absence on academic achievement carries forward year after year. The drag on achievement occurs well before students meet the definition of chronic absence. Policies should target students earlier to prevent their falling behind.
Published:   April 2019
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