Below is a list of research related to attendance for Homelessness
For the full list of research and reports, please visit the All Research page.
Missing School, Missing A Home: The Link Between Chronic Absenteeism, Economic Instability and Homelessness in Michigan
Erb-Downward, Jennifer, and Payton Watt, Poverty Solutions, University of Michigan, November 2018. Data shows that homeless students have the highest rates of chronic absence in Michigan. Homelessness occurs in all community types throughout the state. This brief explores chronic absenteeism and makes policy recommendations especially including a greater focus on the educational impact of housing instability in Michigan.
Risk and Resilience: Differences in Risk Factors and Health Outcomes Between Homeless and Non-Homeless Students In 2017 YRBS Data
Brown, Katie, Barbara Duffield and Caitlyn R. Owens, SchoolHouse Connection, November 2018. This report has data on the impact of homelessness on chronic absence and offers some helpful recommendations for schools and districts on supports. The authors found that students experiencing homelessness were 5.23 times more likely to miss school due to safety concerns compared to students not characterized as…
In School Every Day: Addressing Chronic Absenteeism Among Students Experiencing Homelessness
National Center for Homeless Education, September 2017. This brief provides an overview of the issue of chronic absenteeism, explains the effects of chronic absenteeism on school and student performance, and suggests strategies to address the issue of chronic absenteeism among students experiencing homelessness.
Empty Seats: The Epidemic of Absenteeism Among Homeless Elementary Students
Institute for Children, Poverty and Homelessness, November 2015. This report builds on the work of the 2015 Atlas of Student Homelessness in New York City by examining the disparities in absenteeism and its impact on educational achievement, comparing homeless students and their housed peers, regardless of family income level. Researchers find that homeless elementary students were chronically absent at roughly…
Chronic Absence in Utah Public Schools
Utah Education Policy Center at the University of Utah. In 2012, the researchers released a brief to highlight their important findings on chronic absence and its effects in Utah. The study of five years of attendance data emphasizes the need for early identification of students who are chronically absent, and identified chronic absenteeism as a key predictor of dropouts as…