
Below is a list of key research related to attendance for Health Issues

For the full list of research and reports, please visit the All Research page.

Effects of the FITKids Randomized Controlled Trial on Executive Control and Brain Function

Hillman, Charles H. Pediatrics, September 29, 2014. This study found significant differences between students in the afterschool program and those on the wait list. Students in the intervention group improved two-fold when tested on accuracy and cognitive tasks compared to the students who did not participate in the afterschool program. Researchers found widespread changes in brain function, meaning greater amounts…
Published:   September 2014

The Effects of Maternal Depression on Child Outcomes during the First Years of Formal Schooling

Claessens, Amy, Mimi Engel, F. Chris Curran. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 3rd quarter, 2015. Using a nationally representative sample of nearly 17,000 children, researchers examine the association between the timing, persistence, and severity of maternal depression, measured in kindergarten and third grade, and children’s school behaviors, academic achievement, and school absences in third and fifth grades. Results indicate that persistent…
Published:   September 2014

Parental Depressive Symptoms and Children’s School Attendance and Emergency Department Use: A Nationally Representative Study

Guevara, James P., David Mandell, Shooshan Danagoulian, Maternal and Child Health Journal August 2013. Using a secondary analysis of the 1997–2004 National Health Interview Survey, researchers assessed the association between parental depressive symptoms and school attendance and emergency department use among children with and without chronic health conditions. The results suggest the importance of measuring depressive symptoms among adult caregivers…
Published:   August 2013

School-located influenza vaccination and absenteeism among elementary school students in a Hispanic community.

Keck, Patricia C., Marcus Antonius Ynalvez et al., The Journal of School Nursing. July 2013. This study examines the impact of a school-located influenza vaccination (SLIV) program on elementary school absenteeism in an inner city school district with a predominantly Hispanic population. Results indicate that students vaccinated through an SLIV program have fewer absences than unvaccinated students.
Published:   July 2013

Association of Classroom Ventilation with Reduced Illness Absence: A Prospective Study in California Elementary Schools

Mendell, Mark. Indoor Air, vol 23, issue 3, April 2013. This report found that bringing classroom ventilation rates up to the state-mandated standard may reduce student absences due to illness by approximately 3.4 percent. Extensive data on ventilation rates was collected from more than 150 classrooms in California over two years. The study found that ventilation rates varied widely across…
Published:   April 2013

State of Chronic Absenteeism and School Health: A Preliminary Review for the Baltimore Community

The Baltimore Student Attendance Campaign and Elev8 Baltimore, April 2012. To address the problem of health-related absenteeism, Elev8 Baltimore and the Baltimore Student Attendance Campaign collaborated to prepare a preliminary review of absenteeism and school-based health services (referred to in this report as school health) in Baltimore City. This review aims to analyze existing data, policies, and programs to create…
Published:   April 2012

School Absenteeism Among Children Living With Smokers

Levy, Douglas E., Jonathan P. Winickoff, and Nancy A. Rigotti. Pediatrics: Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, September 2, 2011. Children of parents who smoke have worse attendance than their peers with healthier parents, according to this study. Researchers looked at data from the 2005 National Health Interview Survey to assess the relationship between adult-reported household tobacco use…
Published:   September 2011
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