Below is a list of key research related to attendance for Health Issues
For the full list of research and reports, please visit the All Research page.
School-Based Healthcare and Absenteeism: Evidence From Telemedicine
Komisarow, Sarah and Steven W. Hemelt. Annenberg Institute at Brown University. Studying three rural North Carolina districts, researchers find that access to school-based telemedicine clinics reduces the likelihood that a student is chronically absent by 29% and reduces the number of days absent by about 10%.
Feasibility Assessment of a School Nurse-Led Approach Using Chronic Absenteeism to Establish the School-Based Active Surveillance Process
Maughan, Erin D., and Mary E. Thompson. Journal of School Nursing. School nurses used a school-based active surveillance pilot to track chronic absenteeism and found that it helped them to identify students who needed additional outreach and ask specific questions to determine the root cause of a concern that was impacting students’ education.
Review: The association between anxiety and poor attendance at school – a systematic review
Finning, Katie, et. al., Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, February 2019. In this review 4930 articles, researchers found that anxiety may be associated with poor attendance at school which can lead to a range of adverse academic, social and economic outcomes. The authors conclude that clinicians should consider the possibility of anxiety in children and adolescents with poor…
Chronic School Absenteeism and the Role of Adverse Childhood Experiences
Stempel, Hilary, Mandy A. Allison, Academic Pediatrics, September 2017. Researchers conducted a secondary analysis of data from the 2011–2012 National Survey of Children’s Health including children 6 to 17 years old. They found that adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) exposure was associated with chronic school absenteeism in school-age children. To improve school attendance, along with future graduation rates and long-term health,…
Impact of Particulate Matter Exposure and Surrounding “Greenness” on Chronic Absenteeism in Massachusetts Public Schools
MacNaughton, Pier, Erika Eitland, et. al., International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, February 2017. Researchers examined the impact two environmental factors, on chronic absenteeism in schools in Massachusetts. They found that improvements in green space and air pollution surrounding schools may result in reductions of chronically absent students, when controlled for other social factors.
Chronic Student Absenteeism: The Critical Role of School Nurses
NASN School Nurse, May 2016. Routine school attendance is necessary for youth to develop into well-educated, successful adult citizens who will make significant contributions to society. Yet over 5 million students in the United States are chronically absent missing more than 10% of school in a year. The growing problem of chronic absenteeism among youth can be linked to increases…
Estimating Impacts of a Breakfast in the Classroom Program on School Outcomes
Anzman-Frasca, Stephanie et al. JAMA Pediatrics, November 24, 2014. This study examines outcomes after implementation of the Breakfast in the Classroom (BIC) program in a large urban school district with a substantial proportion of underserved children. Results confirm that the BIC program can increase school breakfast participation rates drastically and have positive impacts on school attendance and academic achievement.