
Below is research related to attendance for Evidence Based Solutions

For the full list of research and reports, please visit the All Research page.

Attendance Practices in High-Absenteeism Districts

Singer, Jeremy. Annenberg Institute at Brown University, EdWorking Paper No.24-932. This working paper inventories attendance practices 47 high-absenteeism districts in Michigan implemented in the 2022-2023 school year. The results reveal which strategies, infrastructures and approaches were popular within these school districts, along with their potential and limitations.
Published:   March 2024

An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Home Visits for Re-Engaging Students Who Were Chronically Absent in the Era of Covid-19

Center for Connecticut Education Research Collaboration. December 2022. Connecticut State Department of Education and Gov. Lamont used pandemic relief funds to launch the Learner Engagement and Attendance Program that implemented home visits. Student attendance rates improved significantly in the month following the visit and continued to rise in the following months.
Published:   December 2022

Learning from the “Reducing Barriers to School Attendance” initiative

Torres, K., Rooney, K., Gandi, E. and Holmgren, M. Education Northwest, December 2020. In 2017, KPNW contracted with Education Northwest to conduct a three-year external evaluation of the Reducing Barriers to Attendance initiative. This report summarizes changes to KPNW grantee activities, capacities, and partnerships in the third and final year of the project. It aims to provide insight on efforts…
Published:   March 2021

Using Behavioral Insights to Improve Truancy Notifications

Lasky-Fink, Jessica, Carly Robinson, Hedy Chang, and Todd Rogers. Harvard Kennedy School, August 2019. In this working paper, researchers modified a district’s standard notification letter. The modified letters reduced absences in the following month by 2 percent, translating to .07 fewer days of absence, equal to a 40 percent improvement over the estimated effectiveness of the standard truancy notification.
Published:   August 2019

Absent from School: Understanding and Addressing Student Absenteeism

Gottfried, Michael A. and Ethan L. Hutt, Harvard Education Press, February 2019. A collection of chapters written by researchers from across the country, the book focuses on measuring attendance, policies and programs that can improve attendance, and interventions designed to encourage students to be in school every day.
Published:   February 2019

Intervening through Influential Third Parties:Reducing Student Absences at Scale via Parents

Rogers, Todd and Avi Feller. Working Paper, 2017. This study analyzed whether information sent home to caregivers of K-12 students could impact chronic absence. Carefully worded messages on postcards reminded parents of the importance of absences and of their ability to influence them, added information about students’ total absences, or added the number of absences among target students’ classmates. The…
Published:   April 2017
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