
Below is a list of key research related to attendance for Elementary School

For the full list of research and reports, please visit the All Research page.

Flaking Out: Student Absences and Snow Days as Disruptions of Instructional Time

Goodman, Joshua. National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper No. 20221, June 2014. This report examines the effects of moderate snow on poor student absences, which was twice as large as for non-poor students. It was also twice as large for black and Hispanic students as for white and Asian students. The author speculates that this may be caused by…
Published:   June 2014

Healthier Students Are Better Learners: A Missing Link in Efforts to Close the Achievement Gap

Basch, Charles. Equity in Education Forum Series, Spring 2010, Teachers College, Columbia University. This report concludes that “six educationally relevant disparities”—vision problems, asthma, teen pregnancy, aggression and violence, physical inactivity, poor nutrition, and concentration problems—have negative academic outcomes for minority students in urban settings. The piece hits also on data about the relationship between health and school attendance: “Compared with…
Published:   March 2010

Improving Student Attendance with School, Family and Community Partnerships

Sheldon, Steven B. Journal of Educational Research, January 2007. Researchers and policy makers have questioned the efficacy of family-involvement interventions. They believe that more studies are needed to compare outcomes of students whose families received a partnership intervention with those who did not. The author used data from the state of Ohio to compare student attendance in elementary schools that…
Published:   January 2007

In School and On Track 2014: Attorney General’s 2014 report on California’s elementary school truancy and absenteeism crisis

Office of Attorney General, California Department of Justice, September 2014. In School + On Track 2013 highlighted the unacceptable rates of elementary school truancy using attendance records from the 2011-2012 school year. This year’s report indicates that those rates were not isolated or unique — truancy rates are persistent in California. In the 2012-2013 school year, the school year immediately…
Published:   September 2014

In School and On Track 2015: Attorney General’s 2015 report on California’s elementary school truancy and absenteeism crisis

Office of Attorney General, California Department of Justice, September 2015. In the 2015 report, we release new and updated data on the still alarming rates of elementary school truancy and chronic absence across the state. More than 1 in 5 elementary school students in California are truant based on data from the California Department of Education. Furthermore, we estimate that…
Published:   September 2015

In School and On Track: Report on California’s Elementary School Truancy and Absenteeism Crisis

Office of Attorney General, California Department of Justice, 2013. According to the California Department of Education, 691,470 California elementary school children, or 1 out of every 5 elementary school students, were reported to be truant in the 2011-2012 school year. Statewide, 38% of all truant students are elementary school children. Given these disturbing statistics, Attorney General Kamala Harris commissioned a…
Published:   November 2013

Linking Teacher Quality, Student Attendance, and Student Achievement

Gershenson, Seth. Education Finance and Policy, Volume 11, Issue 2, p. 125-149. Spring 2016. This paper estimates teacher effects on primary school student absences using a value-added framework using five years of public school data from North Carolina, and finds that teachers have statistically significant effects on student absences similar in magnitude to their effects on reading test scores.
Published:   April 2016
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