
Below is a list of research related to attendance for Early Education

For the full list of research and reports, please visit the All Research page.

Academic achievement of African American boys: A city-wide, community-based investigation of risk and resilience

Fantuzzo, John. Journal of School Psychology, Volume 50, Issue 5, October 2012, pages 559–579. This study of about 8,900 Philadelphia children went beyond a simple measure of poverty to explore six risk factors that influence the achievement gap between African American and White boys and demonstrated that students facing more risk factors suffer academically. The study also showed that African…
Published:   October 2012

Early Elementary Performance and Attendance in Baltimore City Schools’ Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten

Connolly, Faith and Linda S. Olson. Baltimore Education Research Consortium, Baltimore, Md., March 2012. This brief looks at attendance in the early grades with particular focus on Pre-Kindergarten (PreK) and Kindergarten (K) and follows these young students over time. The study finds that students with low attendance in both PreK and K often continue to have low attendance, are more…
Published:   March 2012

Does Contact by a Family Nurse Practitioner Decrease Early School Absence?

Kerr, Jill. The Journal of School Nursing, September 14, 2011. Chronic early school absence is associated with school failure. The presence of school nurses may lead to fewer absences, and nurse practitioners in school-based health centers can facilitate a healthier population resulting in improved attendance. This article describes a nursing intervention to decrease early school absence in two elementary schools…
Published:   September 2011

Tardiness in Early Education: Incidence, Predictors, and Consequences

Romero, Mariajosé. Dyson College of Arts and Sciences, Pace University, Spring 2011. Tardiness may begin, along with absenteeism, well before children enter formal schooling. This unpublished research conducted by Dr. Romero examines data on late school arrivals among children who entered Kindergarten in 1998. While there is a wide range of perspectives and practices among professionals and parents, tardiness can…
Published:   March 2011
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