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Register: Every Student, Every Day E-Summit

October 8, 2015

As part of a new federal initiative to combat chronic absence, the Department of Education, Attendance Works, Everybody Graduates Center and United Way Worldwide will be offering an e-summit, Every Student, Every Day: A Virtual Summit on Addressing and Eliminating Chronic Absence, on Nov. 12 from 2-3:15 p.m. ET

This online summit will outline key steps that states, districts and communities can take to improve student achievement by monitoring and reducing chronic absence.

Featuring two of the nation’s premiere experts on absenteeism –

Johns Hopkins researcher Bob Balfanz and Attendance Works Director Hedy Chang – the e-summit will:

  • Explain the importance of looking beyond average daily attendance rates to identify students who are missing so much school that they are falling behind academically.
  • Share strategies that work for improving attendance and achievement, including positive messaging, family outreach, student incentives and mentoring programs.
  • Highlight the importance of engaging community partners, such as, health providers and criminal justice agencies.

Balfanz and Chang will also introduce school district leaders who are using these strategies to improve attendance and achievement. The e-summit is hosted by the United Way Worldwide.

Register here.

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