7 Things We Learned About COVID’s Impact on Education From Survey of 800 SchoolsThe 74, July 19, 2022View
Nearly 70% of homeless students in Los Angeles Unified chronically absent last yearLA School Report, July 19, 2022View
More than 80 Percent of U.S. Public Schools Report Pandemic Has Negatively Impacted Student Behavior and Socio-Emotional DevelopmentNational Center for Education Statistics, July 6, 2022View
New UCLA interactive tool provides access to homelessness data for all CA school districtsEdSource, June 8, 2022View
Detroit district’s virtual school tightens rules to tackle absenteeismChalkbeat Detroit, June 7, 2022View
Truancy issues: A personal story on slipping through the cracks to skip schoolSpectrum News 1: Charlotte, June 7, 2022View
United Way of West Central Mississippi named finalist for Pacesetter Community by the Campaign for Grade-Level ReadingThe Vicksburg Post, June 7, 2022View
Illinois’ top finance official: Stop sending debts from truancy tickets for collectionChicago Tribune, May 13, 2022View
Venice High Will Stack Up on Counseling to Assist Students Amid Spike in Chronic AbsencesThe Oarsman, May 11, 2022View