3 million kids missing from school because of COVID-19: Shaquille O’Neal and Rey SaldañaUSA Today, March 8, 2021View
In San Antonio, teachers hit the streets in search of students disappearing from online learningThe Texas Tribune, March 3, 2021View
Thousands of students reported ‘missing’ from school systems nationwide amid COVID-19 pandemicABC News, March 2, 2021View
New study finds SacRT’s fare-free for youth program successful for student ridershipMass Transit, March 1, 2021View
40 percent of Boston high school juniors and seniors are chronically absent, raising concerns about their futuresThe Boston Globe, February 28, 2021View
Absenteeism a growing problem in Portland schools, especially for students of colorOPB: Oregon Public Broadcasting, February 21, 2021View
During a year lost to the coronavirus pandemic, many Hartford students are ‘spiraling’ and falling further behindHartford Courant, February 21, 2021View
Central Florida school districts seeing unprecedented rise in truancy amid COVID-19 pandemicWESH Channel 2, February 18, 2021View
Los Angeles school board to consider replacing officers with ‘school climate coaches’Fox News, February 17, 2021View