Sioux Falls School Board Adjusts Superintendent Powers For Student AbsenceKeloland TV, January 26, 2015View
Chronically absent: While approaches to counting students vary districts on both sides of the state line are fighting to keep students in schoolOntario Argus Observer, January 25, 2015View
4 local charter schools under investigation for attendance numbersDayton Daily News, January 22, 2015View
Audit finds differences in reported actual attendance at local charter schoolsWKGN 27 News, January 22, 2015View
‘Chronic absenteeism’ driving poor school district performancePahrump Valley Times, January 21, 2015View
Should Skipping School for Family Vacation be Illegal?Parent Toolkit (Today Show), January 21, 2015View
Oakland: School district to expand restorative justice programs to all 86 schoolsContra Costa Times, January 15, 2015View