Press Releases
Monitoring Data Matters Even More: A Review of State Attendance Data Policy and Practice in School Year 2022-23
SAN FRANCISCO, June 13, 2023 – Most states now publish chronic absence data online, according to a new report from Attendance Works. With chronic absence surging in many states, it’s more important than ever that everyone is able to understand the scale and scope of…
Monitoring Who Is Missing Too Much School: A Review of State Policy and Practice in School Year 2021-22, by Attendance Works
SAN FRANCISCO, June 9, 2022 – Two years after the pandemic shifted millions of students to distance learning, most states have resumed requiring daily attendance taking across all mode of learning, a new analysis shows. Daily attendance taking can sound an alert as soon as…
New Analysis of Connecticut Data Highlights Stark Attendance Gaps by Learning Mode and Among Student Groups Hard Hit by Covid-19
SAN FRANCISCO, June 9, 2021 – Students attending school remotely have the highest levels of chronic absence in the current school year, with in-person students attending most frequently and hybrid students falling in between, according to an analysis of state data from Connecticut.
National Analysis Shows Students Experiencing Chronic Absence Prior to Pandemic Likely to be Among the Hardest Hit by Learning Loss
SAN FRANCISCO, February 2, 2021 – Prior to the coronavirus pandemic, one out of 6, or 8 million students experienced some level of chronic absenteeism in the U.S., according to an analysis of the most recent federal data. Those with the most absences are also…
Updated: Report shows two-thirds of states have reinstated daily attendance taking
SAN FRANCISCO, January 15, 2021 – In response to new information, Attendance Works has revised its report summarizing state attendance guidance developed since spring 2020. The report, Are Students Present and Accounted For? An Examination of State Attendance Policies During the Covid-19 Pandemic, has been…
New report shows that two-thirds of states have reinstated daily attendance taking
SAN FRANCISCO, December 17, 2020 – A scan of 50 state policies that track whether students are missing school during the coronavirus pandemic shows that the majority have reinstated daily attendance taking, according to a new report from Attendance Works. Early data suggests that millions…
Record-breaking 803 Superintendents Pledge to Prioritize Attendance in 2019-20 School Year
SAN FRANCISCO, October 16, 2019 – Today Attendance Works and nine national Attendance Awareness Campaign partners are pleased to announce that 803 superintendents across the country have signed the Superintendents Call to Action. These local superintendents are raising their voices to lead the effort to…