Examples of Tiered Practices
Physical and Emotional Health and Safety
- Healthy learning environments
- Welcoming, safe school climate
- Access to food and other basic needs
- Restorative circles
Belonging, Connection and Support
- Active student and family engagement
- Advisories/meetings to build community
- Enrichment and clubs
- Positive peer connections
Academic Challenge and Engagement
- Access to tech and internet
- Learning supports
- Project-based learning
- Credit recovery opportunities
- Internships/community service
- Alternative scheduling options
Adult and Student Well-Being and Emotional Competence
- Restorative check-ins
- Access to health care and mental health supports
- Trauma-informed practice
- Staff self-care
Clear, concise and consistent communication about schedules and expectations
Routines, rituals and celebrations related to attendance and engagement
Personalized positive communication to families when students are absent
Recognition of good and improved attendance
Impact of attendance on whole child widely understood
Connection to a caring adult in the school
Every child and their family encouraged to develop a success plan that includes attention to attendance
Common community and school barriers identified and addressed
Individualized student success plan that includes attention to attendance
Attendance strategies added to IEP
Family visit
- Success Mentors
- Peer Group Connections
Intensive tutoring
Expanded learning opportunities
Small group interventions and supports for students
Restorative alternatives to discipline and suspension
Educational support champions / advocates
Interagency case management
Housing stability supports
Student attendance review board
Community-based, non-criminal truancy court
Individualized learning and success plan leading to graduation
Legal Intervention (as a last resort)