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Curious about how social isolation, trauma and increased anxiety are affecting student attendance and engagement, and what adults can do to help?

Don’t miss what Pamela Cantor, MD, Founder and Senior Science Advisor of Turnaround for Children shared during the March 30, 2023 Attendance Awareness Campaign webinar, Belonging and Engagement: The Keys to Showing Up.

Listen to a clip from Cantor’s presentation or listen to the full webinar recording (Find Cantor’s complete webinar presentation at minute 16.)

Cantor describes how the stresses from the pandemic’s educational and social challenges have impacted student well-being and inhibited learning. She explains that these impacts don’t have to be permanent. In fact, she notes, there is a proven antidote to stress: a relationship with a caring, trusted adult.

Cantor urges adults to harness the astonishing malleability of the human brain and offers suggestions for how parents, caregivers and educators can support students in ways that inspire curiosity and motivate learning and exploration. She urges all adults to intentionally focus on self-care and to shift the narrative away from “learning loss” and towards a more positive future that taps into the skills students developed while coping with Covid’s challenges.

If you and families in your school community are worried that students are not showing up because they are experiencing anxiety, download our new handout for educators to share with families that offers brief information on the signs of anxiety and what families can do to support their child.

PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by Allison Shelley/The Verbatim Agency for EDUimages

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