Blog Article

California Data Tools Now Available

April 24, 2015

Attendance Works is now offering free data tools designed specifically for California schools and school districts to track chronic absence. The tools, self-calculating Excel spreadsheets, include California’s unique transitional kindergarten (TK) as a grade in school and reflect the state’s definition of truancy.

Under California’s Local Control Funding Formula, school districts must now calculate chronic absence data, one of the measures of Student Engagement in the Local Control Accountability Plan. Monitoring the data gives school districts and communities a chance to see the impact of their strategies and investments over time.

Used in combination or as separate modules, the California versions of the district and school absence tracking tools (CalDATT and CalSATT) make tracking chronic absence a snap. In addition, the new California Truancy Supplement offers insights into the relationship between chronic absence, suspension and truancy as defined by California law.

The tools include modules for assessing chronic absence in elementary, middle and high school grades, as well a tool for combining chronic absence reports for all grade levels. Each module can accommodate about 65,000 students.

While the CalDATT and CalSATT are compatible with any Student Information System, Aeries has specifically modified its system to make calculating chronic absence even easier, thanks to the cooperation of the California Attorney General’s Office and Eagle Software, the creator of Aeries.

Attendance Works hopes that this will be the first of many such arrangements with SIS providers. If you are interested connecting Attendance Works with your SIS provider, please contact

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