Blog Article

Appreciation: AAC Corporate Sponsors!

November 1, 2022

We would like to offer a special thank you! to our 2022 Attendance Awareness Campaign corporate sponsors: EveryDay LabsSafe and Civil SchoolsRaaWee K12 Solutions and Kaiser Permanente Thriving Schools. Our work to bring free resources through the Campaign to schools, districts and states across the country is not possible without the support of our donors.

EveryDay Labs


Kaiser Permanente Thriving Schools


RaaWeeK12 Solutions


Safe and Civil Schools


We know the value and importance of showing up to school at every grade level. Regular attendance supports students’ social, emotional and physical well-being while providing opportunities to learn and achieve.

So many students missed too much school last year. In many communities, the pandemic has had a negative impact on learning, especially for the most underserved students. We are committed to doing everything we can to help states, districts and schools understand how to use all of their data to address learning inequities and to achieve their goals. We are focused on the importance of building relationships with families and students now and in the future.

We’re delighted with the progress we’ve made through the Attendance Awareness Campaign in helping schools and districts raise awareness about the importance of engaging families and students as we strive to respond to the challenges created by the pandemic. We’re proud of the effort made by every educator, community partner and policymaker to promote strong attendance.

Our corporate sponsors have helped to make this all of this possible.

We thank you!

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