Gisela Ariza is the Associate Director of Programs at Attendance Works, where she supports the design, development and services for state agencies, school districts and schools to help reduce chronic absenteeism.
Prior to joining Attendance Works, Gisela managed a Network of School Improvement in South Los Angeles focused on increasing the number of 9th graders who were on track and college-ready. She also worked at the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, where she supported state partners in the implementation of Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). This work involved supporting local coalitions to advocate for strong state education plans that advanced educational equity through programs including robust parent and community engagement, accountability for the achievement of all students, resource equity and access to user-friendly data.
Gisela received a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from California State University – Northridge, and completed her master's degree in Education and School Counseling from the University of Southern California.
Contact Gisela Ariza via email: gisela@attendanceworks.org