Housing Organizations
Housing agencies nationwide provide homes for more than 1 million children younger than nine-years-old from low-income families. We know that education can provide an opportunity for children to break the cycle of poverty. Housing authorities and affordable housing developers are uniquely positioned to address chronic absence. They can:
Case Statement: Why Chronic Absence Matters for Housing Organizations.
The Office of Head Start released a four-page tip sheet, Caring for the Health and Wellness of Children Experiencing Homelessness.
Success Story: HOPE SF improved attendance in SF’s most distressed public housing complexes
Webinar: Attendance Works joins a panel to discuss chronic absence within the public housing context and what works to improve attendance with our youngest housing residents.
The Campaign for Grade Level Reading works with public housing agencies to address chronic absence
Throughout the month of September, organizations and communities throughout the country use Attendance Awareness Month to launch the school year off with a strong start and build awareness of the importance of attendance. Join with schools and communities and find details and strategies about hosting events and spreading the message about attendance.
Count Us In! Toolkit