What is NASAPP?  

The Network to Advance State Attendance Policy and Practice (NASAPP) is a forum for colleagues interested in advancing state-level policy and practice to improve student attendance and reduce chronic absence. It offers participants the opportunity to:

    • Learn and exchange ideas across states;
    • Discuss effective and promising approaches for advance state attendance policy and practice, and;
    • Provide feedback to Attendance Works and other state and national partners on forthcoming policy briefs and state resources.

NASAPP recognizes the critical importance of state-level action and policy to ensure that best practices can be sustained and taken to scale.

How Does NASAPP Operate?

NASAPP welcomes the participation of organizations and individuals committed to advancing improved attendance policy and practice at the state level. Participants reflect a variety of institutional backgrounds from policy advocacy organizations, state departments and boards of education, to early childhood education, research institutions, philanthropy and the juvenile justice system. We encourage the participation of multiple individuals from the same state to encourage relationship building and collaboration to advance action. We also welcome colleagues from national organizations committed to supporting improved state level action.

NASAPP can help state leaders design resources for use by localities. If you are seeking professional development to inform local level practice or policy, please consider participating in our free national Attendance Awareness Campaign or registering for our modestly priced e-learning professional development training.

NASAPP meets quarterly via Zoom. Calls typically involve a combination of peer sharing and discussion of new or proposed state-level policies and policy briefs. Participants are welcome to offer comments and questions via email if they are unable to attend.

How Can I Join NASAPP?

If you are interested in joining NASAPP, please contact Hedy Chang, Founder and Executive Director of Attendance Works, hedy@attendanceworks.org, or Inika Williams, Associate Director of Policy, Inika@attendancework.org

Updated April 2024