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3/21 Webinar Launches Attendance Awareness Campaign!

March 6, 2019

Join us as we kick off Attendance Awareness Campaign 2019 with our first of four, We Belong in School! webinars.

Speakers on the March 21 webinar, Lay a Foundation: Engage Families to Address Chronic Absence in the Early Years, will describe how to partner with families to nurture positive transitions to elementary school, build awareness of the connection between attendance and successful educational experiences, and address attendance barriers. Future webinars are set for May 16, August 8 and September 10.

The webinar will provide inspiring examples and share free resources. We’ll discuss our Count Us In! toolkit that helps schools, communities and states plan and launch an Attendance Awareness Campaign. We’ll also share the new Attendance Works toolkit, Early Matters: Integrating Attendance into Kindergarten Transition.

This year’s theme, We Belong in School! recognizes that students are more likely to attend school if they know they are safe, and are connected, supported and engaged in the classroom. The word “we” recognizes the value of forging partnerships to address barriers to attendance that exist in the community.

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear how others have addressed chronic absence, a critical issue affecting children’s education in every state in the country! In many communities across the country, people are surprised to learn that our youngest students — in preschool, kindergarten and early elementary school — often have the highest levels of chronic absence. Yet research shows that good attendance matters from the very beginning of a child’s education. When a child misses 10 percent of the school year and becomes chronically absent, it is an early warning sign that he or she is headed off-track for success in school.

Last fall, communities nationwide participated in activities calling attention to the importance of school attendance. We saw 6,000+ participants sign up for our webinars, 5,000+ downloaded our annual September brief, and our tweets using the #SchoolEveryDay hashtag created 19.6 million impressions. Find last year’s results on our By the Numbers infographic.

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