Pasadena Unified School District’s efforts to fight truancy paying offPasadena Star-News, June 1, 2014View
Sixteen Percent of Middle School Students Chronically AbsentUpper Township Gazette (NJ), May 21, 2014View
Mock Court Gets Truant Students Back in the ClassroomJuvenile Justice Information Exchange, May 14, 2014View
Children Will Stay in School With Head Lice Under Proposed New PolicyClaychord News and Talk, May 13, 2014View
United Way Has Funding for Programs Aimed at Reducing Chronic AbsenceWisconsin State Journal, May 9, 2014View
State Schools Chief Tom Torlakson Announces 2014 Model Attendance Improvement ProgramsImperial valley News, May 6, 2014View
Community Voices: It takes a community to address chronic absenceThe Fall River Herald News, May 3, 2014View
Chronic absenteeism puts students in the District and elsewhere at academic riskThe Washington Post, May 1, 2014View