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If you ask, most parents will agree that they want to be successful in preparing their children for school and life. But many parents don’t have the resources. SPframework vertical.indd The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading, a collaboration between foundations, nonprofits, states and communities focused on helping children learn to read by the third grade, has just released three guides for communities to help parents succeed as their child’s first teacher, brain builder, advocate and coach.

The Parent Success Resource Guides recognize that supporting parents is essential to ensuring positive outcomes, especially for the youngest children. The chapter on attendance offers clear, common sense and easy to implement ideas that schools and community partners can use to equip parents to get their children to school every day so they can learn.

Each of the three guides build on Grade-Level Reading’s Supporting Parent Success framework, which identifies nine essential competencies that communities can help parents strengthen in order to support their children’s school readiness, school attendance and summer learning. The competencies are supported by science and research about the important responsibilities and roles parents play in helping their children succeed. Each guide covers the competencies more thoroughly, and offers proven and promising programs and ways to measure impact. The guides include links to videos, tools, and other resources.

You can find the three guides and more information on how you can use them by clicking here.

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