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The National Civic League is seeking applications for its 2016 All-America City Awards from communities that are using community-wide health and education strategies that enable all children to succeed in school and in life. School attendance and healthy school projects are particularly welcome and in alignment with collaborating partners, Attendance Works and Healthy Schools Campaign.  NCL also welcome other projects that benefit all children, particularly at-risk children, using education and/or healthy community strategies.  For more information, email aac@ncl.org or call 303-571-4343.

NCL announced the 2016 focus at a weekend conference at which 10 cities received the 2015 award. Annually, 10 communities are recognized as All-America Cities for their collaboration, community engagement, inclusiveness and innovation.  About 500 have obtained this recognition over the past 66 years, some have won the award five or six times.

“The All-America City award is not a beauty contest.  It is given to communities that work together to address complex local issues,” said NCL’s President Gloria Rubio-Cortes.  “Many communities that win this award see economic and civic benefits, however it is best said that participants fall in love with their communities, again, and commit to a greater vision and increased engagement.”

Here’s a timetable for the award process:

  • September 2015-February 2016: Monthly conference calls on spotlight and AAC process
  • November 4, 2015: Submit Letter of Intent to Apply (Letter of Intent is not required, however, save $100 on your application fee when you submit a Letter of Intent to Apply by November 4, 2015!)
  • March 9, 2016: Submit Application
  • April 2016: Finalists Announced. Finalist community delegations will be invited to Denver to present.
  • June 2016: Peer-Learning Workshops & Awards Presentation/Competition in Denver, Colorado

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