Ou, Suh-Ruu and Arthur Reynolds. School Psychology Quarterly, v. 23, no. 2, p. 199-229, 2008. This study attempts to determine the graduation likelihood of a sample of 12-year-old students in the Chicago area who were at risk of not completing school due to poverty. Several variables, including number of absences, were significant predictors of high school completion. Absences across the sample ranged from 2 to 17 days missed. Results found that each additional absence above five days missed decreases a student’s likelihood of graduation by 7 percent. If the number of absences of a student is increased from five days missed to 10 days missed, the likelihood this student will graduate decreases by 35 percent. Students with the most absences (17 days absent) thus had a graduation likelihood of only 15 percent at the age of 12.