Blog Article

Start Strong: 5/13 Webinar on Attendance in the Early Years

April 22, 2015

Did you know that chronic absence affects one in 10 children in kindergarten and first grade nationwide? And that early childhood education can lay a foundation for better attendance in the years ahead?

Start Strong, a free webinar from the Attendance Awareness Campaign at 2 p.m. ET on May 13, will explore early absenteeism and offer strategies for helping our youngest learners build the essential skill of showing up on time every day.

We know that children who are chronically absent in kindergarten and first grade are much less likely to read proficiently by the end of third grade and are more likely to have poor attendance in later grades.

Early childhood programs, schools and community partners can give young children a strong start. Speakers from Attendance Works and local communities will tell how they are using data, reaching out to families to offer support in overcoming common health challenges and developmental delays, and educating parents about the benefits of engaging programs and instruction in the early grades.

This September, as we celebrate Attendance Awareness Month, we have the opportunity help our youngest learners build the essential skill of showing up on time every day.

Don’t miss out! Register now!

If you missed our Ready, Set, Go webinar on April 15, you can view the recording here.

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