Health Care Providers
Health providers and school health staff have an important role in ensuring students do not miss school unnecessarily because of illness or lack of access to health care.
This page was created for health practitioners working inside and outside of schools. It also helps educators consider how they might leverage the resources of health partners. Read this handout, Why Attendance Matters for Health Care Providers, to learn why health care providers and advocates should care about attendance and what they can do.
Use this School-Based Health Program Self-Assessment tool to assess what policies and practices your school, school-based clinic or medical practice employs to reduce school absences.
Attendance Works, in collaboration with Kaiser Permanente and the National Association of School Nurses, developed several handouts for educators or health practioners to share with families. Find them here.
The American Academy of Pediatrics released new Covid-19 Guidance for Safe Schools and Promotion of In-Person Learning (September 2022). It strongly advocates that daily school attendance be monitored for all students, and that schools should use multi-tiered strategies to proactively support student attendance.
Below are listed general and mental health resources and those related to specific health issues. Find guidance, reports, materials for families, policy statements, briefs and research.
These tools present general information about the relationship between poor health and chronic absence.
Specific Health Issues
Here are some in depth resources for addressing specific health issues that present barriers to attendance.
Updated October 2022